The Lord is our strength. He is our God and we shall praise him and exalt him. Almighty God, the Father everlasting, who has given us rest in sleep and has awakened us to this new day, enable us to rejoice in your goodness. Receive us as we approach the throne of grace to offer…
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The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea. Almighty God, most blessed and most holy, before the brightness of whose presence the angels veil their faces; with lowly reverence and adoring love we acknowledge Your infinite glory, and worship You, Father, Son, and Holy…
Surely the Lord is in this place; this is none other than the House of God, and this is the Gate of Heaven. Almighty God, you are immortal, invisible, the only wise God. Though our eyes cannot see you, nevertheless, reveal yourself to the eye of faith that we may come to know you. In…
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Lord God Almighty you have given us the gift of another new day, with all its possibilities and opportunities. May we, through the power of the Spirit, spend its hours in your service, so that at its end…
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has greatly blessed us. CH$ 268 O God of Bethel Glory be to the God from whom all blessings flow. We praise you for the love that never changes and the mercies that are new every morning. You are the God of…
God is love; and they that dwell in love, dwell in God and God in them. O God the Father of all, the maker of heaven and earth, the giver of life and light; we worship and adore you. O God the Son, who reveals the father to us and leads us to him, we…
It will come to pass says the Lord, that I shall pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. The spirit will bear witness with our spirit that we are children of God. CH3 333 Thou shalt arise and mercy yet thou to Mount Zion shalt extend. To the one God, Eternal and unchanging, the same…
Seeing that we have a great High Priest that has passed into the heavens, even Jesus Christ our Lord, let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may fine mercy and help in time of need. Almighty God, you are immortal, invisible, the only wise God. You raised up your Son and…
Honour and majesty are before the Lord, strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, fear before him all the earth. Almighty God whose will is our peace and whose service is freedom, be merciful to us. Receive us as we enter into your nearer presence to offer…
God is light and in him is no darkness at all. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and with him. Almighty God, help us to enter into that secret place where there is no darkness at all, where the shadows that hide your…