Pastoral Care Please keep the Minister informed using our cards.
Teas & Coffees will be served after Sunday worship.
Invitation – if anyone is interested in becoming a member of our church, please speak to the Minister or leave your details on a card.
Foodbank- A box is available for donations, explanatory leaflets are available in the centre.
The King’s Club meets each Sunday in the church at the same time as the service. Lynne and her helpers will be pleased to welcome all former and also new members.
The Guild meets fortnightly on a Wednesday at 7.30pm at the church.
Coffee Club meets on Wednesday from 11am until noon in the Carrick Centre meeting room. Midweek Fellowship with tea, coffee, praise and bible study. All are welcome to come along.
Choir practice is held on Thursday nights in the Carrick Centre.
Youth Choir meets on Mondays at 6.30pm in the Church. It is mainly aimed at over 8 age group but no one will be turned away. Musical Director is Deirdre Cuthbertson so come along and join in the fun.
Carrick Seniors Lunch Club meets on first Friday of every month. Maybole Parish Church, Maybole Baptist Church, Our Lady & St. Cuthberts Church and St. Oswald’s Church bring you The Carrick Senior Citizens Lunch Club. For citizens of Maybole and surrounding villages aged 65 and over.